You are NOT a good candidate for PMU if you meet any of the following categories:

Uncontrolled Diabetes and/or High Blood Pressure
Prone to Keloid scarring
Chemo/radiation and Accutane within the last 12 months
Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, etc. on or by the brow area
Autoimmune disease that affects the healing of wounds
Compromised immune system
Poor general health
In certain instances, there may be a special consideration made and will require a Physician release note. Please book accordingly if you have oily skin. Microblading will not stay on you. Please book ombre brows instead on combo

Remember to plan your appointment accordingly!

Always schedule appointments 2 weeks before an upcoming event (vacations on the beach).
Plan to take 1 whole week off from the gym. The smallest amount of sweat can cause fading!
Wear your eyebrows to your first appointment the way you normally wear them. This will help give me a vision of what you do or do not want.  
4 weeks before your appointment do not receive any of the following treatments from your neck up: electrolysis, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, botox, fillers (at least 14 days), excessive tanning/sun, waxing, threading, or tweezing. I will clean your eyebrows up for you.
1 week before your appointment discontinue the use of any skincare containing vitamin A, retinols, retinals, exfoliants, harsh face masks (charcoal mask), acids, benzoyl peroxide, etc. from the eyes up. Switch to a gentle skincare line during this time period and throughout the healing process. 
24 hours prior to your appointment do not consume any type of blood thinners (Tylenol, Advil, niacin, ibuprofen, etc.), vitamin E, fish oil, alcoholic beverages, and any type of caffeine. These things increase blood flow and will either push pigment out or make the pigment darker in color. 

You Must Follow Your Aftercare! Failure to follow aftercare will result in unsatisfactory results or skin damage. 
Do not sweat from exercise, saunas, hot showers, etc. Blotting the area dry is not an option. Sweat is saline and saline is a form of tattoo removal. Brows will disappear if you fail to follow this rule.
DAY 1-14
After your treatment please dab the area every 15 minutes for the first 24 hours to remove any fluids. This will help with scabbing. Wash very well morning and night with a gentle soap. Pat dry with tissue.
DO NOT PICK THE PEELING SKIN OFF! Picking scabs can remove pigment and cause scarring.
Spots and/or strokes may come off and the remaining spots/strokes will fade lighter. This is normal. Brows take at least 2 appointments to complete, don’t get discouraged if they heal too subtle.
Keep brows as dry as possible during showers and hair washing.
Do not use makeup on your brows until they’re healed. Liner and mascara are okay, but be careful with foundation.
Try not to sleep with your face in the pillow. 
Once healed, SPF must be applied to the brows at all times. Sun exposure will fade them very quickly!
Avoid the following products/ingredients on or near the brows at all times, even once you have healed: Vitamin A, retinols, retinals, Tretinoin, Differin, lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, mandelic acid, and anything similar. 
Signs of infection include increasing or extreme pain in the brow area, blistering, enlarged scabs due to excess discharge, fever, redness at the site, major swelling, red streaks going from the site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor. Contact a physician if any of these symptoms develop.

Here's a day-by-day breakdown of what to expect while your brows are healing:

Day Of: Tender, red, slightly swollen
Day After: Tender, pinkish, possibly more swollen; could make brows appear uneven, the shape looks bold, sharp, and dark
Day 3-4: Redness, swelling, and tenderness start to subside, brows start to feel rough and tight
Day 5-10: Itching & peeling may start, resembles dry skin. Dark scabs combined with healed spots may cause the brows to look patchy
Day 14: Scabbing and peeling should be finished, brows may look too light. Normal routine can be resumed at 10 days.
Day 30: Surface is healed, color is true 

pre-care instructions for brows

keep in touch

lm beauty

pmu studio
